Violin vs Fiddle: Are violins and fiddles the same?

Violin vs Fiddle: Are violins and fiddles the same?

Fiddles and violins are, for the most part, identical instruments played in various ways. Some instruments, on the other hand, are specifically built for fiddling rather than classical performance. So are violins and fiddles the same? These instruments frequently feature a flatter bridge, which puts the strings nearer to the fingerboard. Certain violin skills like … Read more

Why Violin Sound Sad? Top 3 Scientific Reasons Behind it

Why Violin Sound Sad Top 3 Scientific Reasons Behind it

Some violin masterpieces are so striking that you can’t stop tearing up when you listen to them. Even though it’s a simple trick of the brain stimuli triggering our emotions, you might’ve still wondered why the violin sound sad. So, where do sad instruments get their sadness from? Fortunately, the studies regarding this phenomenon in … Read more